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Notice of Privacy

In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of personal data held by individuals (The law), YAVO CAPITAL, SOCIEDAD ANÓNIMA PROMOTORA DE INVERSIÓN DE CAPITAL VARIABLE, SOFOM ENR, (YAVO CAPITAL) declares to be responsible for the processing of personal data that we provide, which will be protected and used exclusively for the purposes authorized by us, in accordance with the provisions of the law and other applicable regulations. By virtue of this privacy notice, the following is established:




  1. OBJECT. -  YAVO CAPITAL, treats personal data to fulfill its purpose, as well as to attend to requests for the exercise of ARCO rights that are presented to it in its capacity as responsible

The purpose of this Privacy Notice is to protect your personal data, through its legitimate, controlled and informed treatment, in order to guarantee your privacy, as well as your right to informative self-determination.  


2.- CONCEPT OF “PERSONAL DATA” .– It is understood as any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person.


3.- PURPOSE. -  The personal data that YAVO CAPITAL collects will be used to serve the following purposes:


a) Those essential for the fulfillment of the legal relationship, YAVO CAPITAL and you, which are: (i) To corroborate your identity and veracity of the information provided; (ii) To integrate files, databases and systems necessary to carry out the corresponding operations; (iii) To comply with the provisions of knowledge of the client and prevention of money laundering, either for YAVO CAPITAL or for its affiliates or subsidiaries that are part of the same group, as provided by the respective legislation; (iv) to maintain the legal relationship that is generated; (v) To carry out the investigations and actions that they consider necessary, in order to verify through third parties hired for it, dependency or authority, the veracity of the data that were provided to them.


b) Those not essential for the fulfillment of said legal relationship. Additionally, your personal data may be used for the following secondary purposes: (i) marketing, advertising and commercial prospecting; (ii) offer you, where appropriate, other products of its own or of any of its associates or companies that are members of the Group; (iii) send you promotions of other services related to the products offered by YAVO CAPITAL.


4.- USE OF COOKIES. -  We inform you that YAVO CAPITAL uses cookies on its website; Through these mechanisms, data is collected automatically and simultaneously to monitor your behavior as a user of Internet services.


Likewise, we inform you that you can disable the use of these mechanisms by following the deactivation procedure established for your internet browser.


5. -   ADDRESS.- The address of YAVO CAPITAL is located at José María Velasco number 13, office 502, Colonia San José Insurgentes, Postal Code 03900, Benito Juárez Delegation, Mexico City.


6.- AUTHORIZATION.- By providing your Personal Data in writing, through a request, paper format, digital format, email, or any other document, you accept and authorize YAVO CAPITAL to use and automate your data. personal data and information provided, which will be part of our database in order to use them, in an enunciative way, but not limited to: identify you, locate you, contact you, send you information, by any means allowed by law to comply with our social purposes. By accepting and authorizing the processing of your personal data in the aforementioned terms, you expressly empower us to transfer them to authorities of any level (Federal, State, Municipal), public and private organizations, various companies and / or individuals, within and outside of Mexico, in order to carry out the object of the relationship between you and YAVO CAPITAL.


  7.- ARCO RIGHTS.- In terms of the provisions of article 22 of the Law, you have the right at any time to exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of your personal data, (ARCO rights) through the request via email addressed to Ms. Reyna Rosa Marroquin López to the mail , or in writing at the official address of YAVO CAPITAL indicated above, through a request that meets the requirements of the Law.


8. - TEMPORALITY. - The temporality of the handling of your Personal Data will be indefinite from the date they are provided to us, being able to oppose their handling at any time it deems appropriate, with the limitations of the Law; In the event that your opposition request is appropriate, YAVO CAPITAL will stop handling your Personal Data without any responsibility on our part.


9.- RESPONSIBLE AREA.- The area responsible for the processing of your personal data is obliged to comply with the principles of legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility protected by Law; For this reason, based on articles 13 and 14 of the Law, YAVO CAPITAL, undertakes to keep strict confidentiality of your personal data, as well as to maintain administrative, technical and physical security measures that protect them against any damage, loss , alteration, access or unauthorized treatment.  


10.- MODIFICATION. -  This privacy notice is subject to modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; of YAVO CAPITAL's own needs, for the services we offer; of our privacy practices; Changes in our business model, or other causes.


Any modification to this privacy notice will be notified to you through a written communication sent to your provided email; however, we recommend that you constantly consult our privacy notice on our website to keep updated of the latest modifications to it.


eleven.-  ACCEPTANCE. - At the time of submitting your application, documents and information to request the services of YAVO CAPITAL, your total acceptance of the content of this Privacy Notice is presumed. However, we ask you to sign this document accordingly, which will be part of your file.  


I accept the content of the Privacy Notice provided by YAVO CAPITAL.

Logotipo de YAVO Capital - Entidad y Capital Financiera


En cumplimiento a lo establecido en la Ley de Protección y Defensa de los Usuarios de Servicios Financieros, ponemos a su disposición la Unidad Especializada de Atención a Usuarios, que tiene por objeto atender las consultas, reclamaciones y aclaraciones de nuestros Clientes.


Domicilio: Contreras 700, interior 302, Colonia San Jerónimo Aculco, C.P.10200, Alcaldía La Magdalena Contreras, Ciudad de México.

Teléfono de contacto: (55) 41653386 E-mail: Horario de atención: lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 18:00 horas.

YAVO CAPITAL 2021 | TEL: 55-4165-3386  / WHATSAPP:  55-6221-0182 | NOTICE OF PRIVACY 

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